Saturday, July 16, 2011

What have I been up to?

Extreme couponing! After the TV show on TLC, extreme couponing has been the latest thing! I've recently been inspired to start doing this by my cousin! She runs a beauty blog as well [] and after hearing about all the money that she's saved, especially on beauty products, I've been hooked! I love to shop, especially for makeup! But since my paychecks are next to nothing and with everything being so expensive it's been hard to buy the things I want! So I figure if I can save money I'll be able to buy the things I want! So I did some [ok a lot] of research online and I came across this amazing site! 

This site has everything! I mean the latest deals, coupons, and lots and lots of helpful tips! :) If you're a beginner and have no idea where to start [like me!] visit this page! It was so so so helpful for me! They have 10 day check list to help get you started. 

If you live in an area that gets the Union Tribune I suggest you sign up for their Sunday paper! It's such a steal! It's $1 a paper and you get it at 7 am every Sunday! $1 is so much cheaper than buying it at one of those machines or a Starbucks! And it gets delivered right to your house!

The LA Times also offers Sunday papers for $1! But you have to use this code: 180011. They also allow you up to 3 subscriptions! 

Once I start getting the hang of it I'm going to subscribe to more newspapers with several subscriptions. But since I'm only just starting out, I'm taking things slowly. And to start myself off I've purchased a binder to keep everything in and baseball card holders to organize the coupons! I can't wait to get my first paper!

I'll be keeping you guys posted on all of the deals that I can find! Especially on beauty related products! So keep checking back! :) 

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