Applying eyeliner can be intimidating! Especially for beginners or people with shakey hands [me!] But like with everything else, practice makes perfect! So here's how I like to apply different eyeliners. The technique is basically the same but they all slightly vary.:)
Everyone should have a pencil liner in their makeup collection! It's a definite must have!
My favorite is Urban Decay's 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Zero
- Start out with a sharp pencil
- Pull your eye slightly taught
- Starting from the middle draw a thin line, as close to the lash line as possible and work your way to the outer corner of your eye using short strokes.
- Then go back to where you started, in the middle, and slowly work your way to the inner corner of your eye, also using short strokes. [Your line doesn't have to be perfect but make sure there aren't parts that are super thick, and super thin]
- Take an angled brush and dip it into some black eyeshadow, tap out the excess
- Starting from the middle of your eye again and working your way out apply the eyeshadow on top of the eyeliner.
- Then work your way from the middle to your inner eye. And then you're done! Adding the eyeshadow helps to seal in the liner and make it last all day and it helps to correct any mistakes that you may have made.
There are different types of liquid liner, most of them have a detachable brush. But there are also ones with "marker" tips. Personally I think that those are the easiest to apply. I like Stila's Stay All Day liquid liner. But for a standard eyeliner go with Maybelline's Ultra Liner. Make sure you get a waterproof one!
- Take your brush and wipe the excess off on the side of the tube
- Pull your eye slightly taught
- Work from the middle out, using short strokes. Then go from the middle in. Making sure to stay close to the lash line!
- I like to run my brush over it again starting from the inner corner to the outer to make the line more fluid and correct any mistakes. And that's it! There's no need to apply a powder on top because liquid liners generally stay all day.
These take a little more practice to get the hang of. But this is definitely my favorite product to use.
- Take your brush and lightly dip it into the product, making sure to evenly coat your brush.
- Wipe off the excess on the lip of your jar.
- Pull your eye taught
- Begin in the middle of your eye, staying very close to the lash line. Using tiny strokes work your way to the outer corner of your eye.
- Then work your way in from the middle, also using tiny strokes.
- Then starting from the inner corner, retrace your line to make it fluid and to correct mistakes.
- Keep your eye closed for about 15 seconds to allow the product to dry, or it will transfer to the top of your lid.
- Once your 15 seconds are up you're done!
This can also be intimidating to a lot of people, because you're working so close to your eye! But trust me, it's super simple and really quick! And painless. Why do you do this?? You might be asking, it makes your lashes appear fuller and thicker and it helps to define your eyes. This is typically done with a pencil, but you can also use a gel eyeliner.
- Place your finger under your eye and gently pull it down.
- Take your pencil and lightly place it in the outer corner of your eye
- Sweep your pencil back and fourth until you get the desired intensity
- Optional: If you want your liner to last all day take a bit of eyeshadow on an angled brush and pat it on top
- Place your finger right above the top outer corner of your eye and pull your lid up.
- Place your pencil in the outer corner. [I find that it helps to look away, just move your eyeball to the outer corner of your eye]
- Run your pencil back and fourth a few times.
- Shakey hands? No problem! Just place your elbows on a hard, sturdy surface and place the sides of your hands on your face. This will provide stability to your hands and allow for easier application.
- Want long lasting? Wearing eyeshadow helps the product last longer. But if you don't want to wear eyeshadow, just apply a bit of primer and powder on top and before putting on your eyeliner.
- Practice! Draw lines on the back of your hands and play with different thicknesses until you find the one you like. Get familiar with your brushes and find the best application techniques that work for you!
As you can see the techniques are basically all the same, so once you've mastered one the rest will be a piece of cake! Just practice, practice, practice! I suggest you go to Sephora or Ulta or any makeup counter and try out the different types of eyeliners they have and find one that suits you.
I hope this How To was helpful! Wanna check out my reviews on eyeliners? Type in eyeliner in the little search bar on the right! :)
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