Friday, April 8, 2011

7 Tips to Healthier Skin!

Want healthier, better looking skin? Well here are a few tips to get it! :)

  1. Sleep! You should get 8 hours of a sleep a night. If you skimp on sleep you'll wake up with dull, lifeless skin. There are so many more benefits of getting a good night's rest!
  2. Exfoliate! Dead skin cells can pile on your face making your complexion look lackluster. Aim for 1-3 times a week. Use a scrub with microbeads they're a lot easier on your skin. 
  3. Vitamins! Especially C! Studies show that women with a lower intake of vitamin C were more likely to have wrinkles. Not good. Get 2-3 servings of it daily. Oranges, strawberries, and grapefruit are all full of it! Apply a brightening serum with a vitamin C in it. 
  4. Exercise! Working out sends extra oxygen to your skin which helps in so many ways. But endorphins are more important, they help ward off cell damage.
  5. Patience! When using a skin regimen give it 90 days! Your skin needs about that much time to adjust itself. 
  6. Stop smoking! Other than the health problems, smoking sucks the life out of your skin. Kick the habit and then use a mask with hyaluronic acid to help restore your radiance. 
  7. Protect! Use a lotion with at least an SPF of 30 on a daily basis. Preferably a non-greasy one. You need about a teaspoon to cover your entire face and neck. Sun- exposure is the #1 cause of skin cancer and premature aging. 
These are just a few simple things that you can do to get better looking skin. Hope I helped! Try them out and leave a comment! :)

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